Short CV
I am a PhD student in computer science at
Saarland University in the group of
Prof. Jan Reineke. I completed my M.Sc. and B.Sc. at Saarland University in 2009 and 2012, respectively. A grant by the
Fulbright Commission allowed me to spend the 2010-2011 academic year as a Visiting Graduate Student at the
University of Washington in Seattle, WA, USA.
During the summers of 2015 and 2016, I was an intern at Google in Kirkland, WA, and Mountain View, CA. In 2015, I worked on static program analysis for Java (using
Error Prone and
Semmle QL) for the
Google Compute Engine (GCE), which is part of Google's
Cloud Platform. In 2016, I worked on an implementation of a user-space TCP stack using
LKL. The main focus of my work was on compiler and linker-related topics; more information is available
here and
Conference Papers
- Gray-box Learning of Serial Compositions of Mealy Machines
A. Abel and J. Reineke
NFM, 2016.
author = {Andreas Abel and Jan Reineke},
title = {Gray-box Learning of Serial Compositions of Mealy Machines},
booktitle = {Nasa Formal Methods Symposium},
year = {2016},
month = {June},
- MeMin: SAT-based Exact Minimization of Incompletely Specified Mealy Machines
A. Abel and J. Reineke
ICCAD, 2015.
author = {Andreas Abel and Jan Reineke},
title = {MeMin: SAT-based Exact Minimization of Incompletely Specified Mealy Machines},
booktitle = {ICCAD},
year = {2015},
month = {November},
- Impact of Resource Sharing on Performance and Performance Prediction: A Survey
A. Abel, F. Benz, J. Doerfert, B. Dörr, S. Hahn, F. Haupenthal, M. Jacobs, A. H. Moin, J. Reineke, B. Schommer, and R. Wilhelm
CONCUR, 2013.
author = {Andreas Abel and Florian Benz and Johannes Doerfert and Barbara Dörr and Sebastian Hahn and Florian Haupenthal and Michael Jacobs and Amir H. Moin and Jan Reineke and Bernhard Schommer and Reinhard Wilhelm},
title = {Impact of Resource Sharing on Performance and Performance Prediciton: A Survey},
booktitle = {CONCUR},
year = {2013},
month = {August},
url = "",
- Measurement-based Modeling of the Cache Replacement Policy
A. Abel and J. Reineke
RTAS (as part of CPS Week), 2013.
[pdf slides]
author = {Andreas Abel and Jan Reineke},
title = {Measurement-based Modeling of the Cache Replacement Policy},
booktitle = {RTAS},
month = {April},
year = {2013},
url = {},
slides = {},
slidespdf = {},
- Automatic Cache Modeling by Measurements
A. Abel and J. Reineke
JRWRTC, 2012.
[pdf] [bib]
author = {Andreas Abel and Jan Reineke},
title = {Automatic Cache Modeling by Measurements},
booktitle = {6th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (in conjunction with RTNS)},
month = {November},
year = {2012},
url = {},
- Reverse Engineering of Cache Replacement Policies in Intel Microprocessors and Their Evaluation (Poster abstract)
A. Abel, J. Reineke
ISPASS, 2014.
author = {Andreas Abel and Jan Reineke},
title = {Reverse Engineering of Cache Replacement Policies in Intel Microprocessors and Their Evaluation},
booktitle = {2014 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS)},
year = {2014},
month = {March},
pages= {141-142},
url = {}
- Measurement-based Inference of the Cache Hierarchy
A. Abel
Universität des Saarlandes, Germany, 2012.
title={Measurement-based Inference of the Cache Hierarchy},
author={Andreas Abel},
school={Saarland University},
url = {},
- From Uppaal To Slab
A. Abel
Universität des Saarlandes, Germany, 2009.
title={From Uppaal To Slab},
type = {Bachelor Thesis},
author={Andreas Abel},
school={Saarland University},
url = {},