General Chair
Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Program Chair
Isabelle Puaut, University of Rennes / IRISA, France
Real-Time Technical Committee Chair
Gerhard Fohler, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Workshop Chairs
Stefan M. Petters, NICTA, Australia and IPP, Portugal - chair of OSPERT 2009
Niklas Holsti, Tidorum Ltd., Finland - chair of WCET 2009
Sebastien Gerard, CEA LIST, France - chair of STANDRTS 2009
Eduardo Tovar, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal - chair of RTN 2009
Jean-Dominique Decotignie, CSEM, Switzerland - chair of RTN 2009
Work in Progress Session Chair
Rodrigo M. Santos, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Program Committee
Luis Almeida, University of Porto, Portugal
James H. Anderson, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Neil Audsley, University of York, UK
Karl-Erik Arzen, Lund University, Sweden
Theodore P. Baker, Florida State University, USA
Sanjoy Baruah, The University of North Carolina, USA
Scott Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Reinder J. Bril, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Alan Burns, University of York, UK
Giorgio Buttazzo, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Samarjit Chakraborty, TU Munich, Germany
Jean-Dominique Decotignie, CSEM, Switzerland
Rolf Ernst, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Gerhard Fohler, Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern, Germany
Steve Goddard, University of Nebraska, USA
Michael Gonzalez Harbour, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Joel Goossens, University of Brussels, Belgium
Jan Gustafsson, Malardalen University, Sweden
Zdenek Hanzalek, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Hermann Hartig, TU Dresden, Germany
Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
George Lima, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brasil
Giuseppe Lipari, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania, Italy
Julio Medina, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Frank Muller, North Carolina State University, USA
Nicolas Navet, INRIA-Nancy, France
Stefan M. Petters, NICTA, Australia and IPP, Portugal
Peter Puschner, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Pascal Richard, University of Poitiers, France
Rodrigo Santos, Universidad Nacional del Sur-CONICET, Argentina
Jan Staschulat, NXP, The Netherlands
Eduardo Tovar, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
Local Organisers
Stefan Weber, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Jan Čurn, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland - web administrator
Page maintained by the General Chair