Keynote Speaker
Stylianos Mamagkakis, IMEC vzw., Belgium
Emerging multicore hardware platforms and their software support challenges (download)
The first industrial multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) platforms have already found their way into the embedded systems we use in our everyday life, as in advanced entertainment and communication platforms. The ever increasing performance hunger drives also the adoption of MultiCore architectures into battery operated embedded devices such as cell phones or portable media players. These architectures will meet the performance needs of tomorrow's applications, but need to meet even worse constraints on power consumption. In this talk, the latest developments and future directions of hardware MPSoC platforms for nomadic embedded applications will be presented. Next to the hardware perspective, the software related challenges of these emerging MPSoC platforms will be discussed and some of the proposed solutions will be evaluated.
Short Biography
Stylianos Mamagkakis received his MSc and PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Democritus Uni. Thrace (Greece) in 2004 and 2007, respectively. Since 2006, he coordinates a team of PhD students within the SSET division at IMEC (Belgium). His research interests focus on MPSoC system-level exploration and reliability issues. He has published more than 35 papers in International Journals and Conferences. He was investigator in 10 research projects in the embedded systems domain funded by the EC as well as national governments and industry. He has been project leader of the MNEMEE FP7 project and the OptiMMA IWT project and is the representative of IMEC in the Spirit consortium, Artist and HiPEAC Networks of Excellence.
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