See you next year in Stuttgart for ECRTS'19!

About the Conference

The 30th EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'18) is a forum aimed at covering state-of-the-art research and development in real-time computing. Papers on all aspects of real-time systems are welcome. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Scheduling Design and Analysis
  • Contention-aware Multi-core Systems
  • Heterogeneous Real-Time Systems
  • Virtualization and Timing Isolation
  • Mixed-Criticality Design & Assurance
  • Real-Time Operating Systems, Hypervisors and Middlewares
  • WCET Analysis
  • Real-Time Networks and Predictable Communication Protocols
  • Realistic Power/Energy/Thermal Models and Algorithms
  • Network/System-on-Chips and Massively Parallel Devices
  • Modelling and/or Formal Methods
  • Industrial Use-Cases and RT Applications
  • Tools, Compilers and Benchmarks for Embedded Systems

ECRTS is the premier European venue for presenting research into the broad area of real-time and embedded systems. Along with RTSS and RTAS, ECRTS ranks as one of the three top international conferences on real-time systems.   Google Scholar Metrics lists ECRTS as top conference per h5-index, CAPES (Brasil) as A1, ASN (Italy)  as A, ERA (Australia) A, CORE (Australisia) A.

ECRTS has been in the forefront of the real-time community in introducing innovations such as artefact evaluation; open-access proceedings, etc., into the larger real-time computing community.

ECRTS began as a workshop in 1989, progressing to become a major international conference in 1998. ECRTS has its roots in the real-time laboratories and research groups in both academia and industry throughout Europe and across the world.

ECRTS 18 will apply an open access publication model in collaboration with LIPIcs – Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics  established in cooperation with Schloss Dagstuhl –Leibniz Center for Informatics.

The 29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems  (ECRTS 17) was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

ECRTS  can be found  facebook, and on twitter.

Conference Highlights

  • Keynote speakers
  • Satellite workshops
  • Outstanding and best paper awards
  • Work-in-Progress
  • Industrial Challenges
  • Call for Action
  • Open Access
  • Artifact Evaluation


Further information about previous ECRTS conferences and workshops can be found at To address ECRTS of the year 20NN use (e.g.