Call for Action

Call for Actions serve as a podium for addressing attendees with a proposal for a joint activity serving the community as whole. Such activities cannot be communicated via the standard scientific publication channels. Hence, ECRTS provide a dedicated place in the program of the conference and its webpages.

This year, a Call for Action entitled “Erratarium for Real-Time Systems” will be presented by Geoffrey Nelissen, CISTER, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal.

ECRTS16: "Real Proofs for Real Time: Let’s do better than “almost right” by Björn Brandenburg, of Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)

ECRTS15: "Artifact Evaluation" by Martina Maggio, University of Lund, Sweden
resulted in successful artifact evaluation of papers at ECRTS16

ECRTS14:  "Tools and Benchmarks" by Sophie Quintion, Inria Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes, France
resulted in the community forum on tools and benchmarks