
Accepted Journal-to-conference papers

  • Uneven memory regulation for scheduling IMA applications on multi-core platforms
    Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro F. Souto, Benny Akesson, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo Tovar
  • A Sufficient Response Time Analysis considering Angular Phases between Rate-Dependent Tasks
    Timo Feld and Frank Slomka
  • Exact Interference of Tasks With Variable Rate-Dependent Behavior
    Timo Feld and Frank Slomka
  • Handling Transients of Dynamic Real-Time Workload Under EDF Scheduling
    Daniel Casini, Alessandro Biondi, and Giorgio Buttazzo

Call for contributions

The journal-to-conference (J2C) session of ECRTS 2019 will provide the opportunity to present high quality journal contributions that have not been presented at a conference.

Submitted papers should address some form of timing requirement and cover topics that are of interest to the ECRTS audience (see the ECRTS’19 call for papers).

The contributors will be required to give a short oral presentation of their work and prepare a poster to communicate their results during the poster session.

Submission instructions

All submissions should be made via email by using the following template:

To: Andrea Bastoni (name dot surname at sysgo dot com)

Subject: ECRTS-J2C 2019

Give citation to the original journal publication.

Attachments: [Your original journal submission]

Important dates

  • Submissions will be accepted continuously in a first come first serve fashion, with 5 days response time for notifications. Contributions submitted after the beginning of the conference will not be considered.
  • J2C Session: July 10th, 2019

Journal-to-conference Session Chair

Andrea Bastoni, SYSGO AG, Germany

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