Welcome to the 19th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 07)
Pisa, Italy
July 4-6, 2007
The Euromicro Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems is proud to announce
its 19th conference on Real-Time Systems. The conference has very strong
roots within the Real-Time Laboratories and research groups in both
Academia and Industry throughout Europe and across the world.
The 18th Euromicro
Conference on Real-Time Systems conference (ECRTS 06) was held in
Dresden, Germany.
The 20th edition of
ECRTS will be held in Prague, Czech Republic.
Conference highlights:
Satellite Workshops
- WCET 2007: Worst Case Execution Time Analysis
- RTN 2007: Real-Time Networks
- OSPERT 2007: Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications
- Tutorial on MARTE: A New Standard for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Keynote speakers
- Bran Selic, IBM Canada
- Francisco Gómez-Molinero, Visual Tools, Spain
- Mercč Griera I Fisa, European Commission
Best paper awards
In this year's edition, there will be a honorific Best Paper Award,
and three Best Student Paper Awards. The first Best Student Paper
Award is sponsored by Springer
with USD 500. Evidence
is sponsoring all three Best Student Paper Awards with a
development board for each.
In addition, a selection of best papers will be invited for a
special issue of an international journal.
Work-in-Progress Session
Pursuing a successful tradition in the ECRTS series,
a special Work in Progress (WiP) session will be organised.
This session is mainly intended for presentation of on-going and recent work.
Other related events: