Pisa, Italy, July 10, 2012
in conjunction with the
24th Euromicro Intl Conference on
Real-Time Systems
Pisa, Italy, July 11 - 13, 2012
in collaboration with ARTIST2 NoE
Workshop chairTullio Vardanega Important dates (deadlines)
Workshop WebsiteWCET2012ECRTS websiteECRTS12Program committee
Steering committee
The Euromicro Technical Committee organizes a number of satellite events attached to its 24th International Real-Time Systems Conference (ECRTS-12). This workshop is the 12th on the series of WCET workshops that started at the 2001 Euromicro conference. The workshop information is disseminated with help from the ADSIG Special Interest Group. GoalsThe workshop brings together academic researchers, technology makers and industry professionals who face the challenges of timing analysis in the development of real-time systems. The workshop adopts a highly interactive format with short, colloquial presentations and ample time for in-depth discussion of research results, new challenges, problems and research directions. TopicsThe growing complexity of modern hardware, the advent of multicore processors, and the intricate organization of long-lived software systems challenge the results achieved by timing analysis techniques, for users and researchers alike. Design principles for the construction of timing-composable systems at both hardware and software level (compiler, runtime and development method) are sought for timing analysis to respond to the emerging needs. On this account, the workshop especially solicits contributions that:
As part of and in addition to that, the workshop welcomes submissions that address:
Statements which are innovative, controversial, or that present new approaches are specially sought. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS:People who would like to participate in this event are asked to submit a 6 page short paper (PS or PDF) via the workshop submission system. Upon acceptance, a corrected version of the paper should be prepared and submitted. All papers will be made available to all participants a week before the workshop so that contributions can be examined prior to the workshop. The workshop fosters a highly interactive format of short presentations combined with ample time for in-depth discussions. Authors will be asked to produce a final version of their paper that includes the issues covered in the discussions by September 1, 2006. The final papers will be published. To foster the workshop character, the number of participants will be limited. There will be a small charge for workshop registration. The workshop will be held in Pisa (more details will come later). See the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems website ECRTS12 for information on the venue, hotel reservations and the city. |