Submission instructions

WATERS will accept two types of submissions: regular contributions and challenge solutions.

Regular contributions

For 2016, we experiment a more flexible submission format than in previous years.

  • Regular papers should follow the IEEE conference format (2 columns, 10 pt, single-line spacing) and should not exceed 6 pages in length.
  • Proposals for a technical presentation should consist of a one-page PDF file listing a title starting with “Abstract: ” and a ~500 word abstract. If the technical presentation concerns a tool or a benchmark, it is essential to make these available to the reviewers.

Regular contributions should be submitted by using the easychair conference management system. The system acknowledges receipt of each submission by sending an e-mail to the contact author, and it allows revision of a submission until the deadline. In order to submit a contribution, use this link:

All submitted contributions will be reviewed by the workshop program committee. The accepted contributions will be made available online via the WATERS community forum one week before the workshop so that contributions can be examined prior to the event. The copyright remains with the authors.

By submitting a contribution, the authors agree and confirm that, if accepted, at least one author will register for WATERS 2016 by the special registration deadline set in the notification of acceptance, and present the contribution at the workshop in person.

Challenge solutions

Challenge solutions must describe a (possibly partial) solution to the challenge and present the strengths and limitations of the used approach. Authors are strongly encouraged to implement their solution in a tool and make it available along with the submission. They will be able to present it at the interactive demo session. In addition to the proposed solution, each paper should also discuss how much time and effort was needed by the authors to (a) understand the challenge and (b) solve it. Submitted solutions should follow the rules specified for regular paper contributions in terms of length and format.

Challenge solutions should be submitted by using the easychair conference management system. The system acknowledges receipt of each submission by sending an e-mail to the contact author, and it allows revision of a submission until the deadline. In order to submit a solution, use this link:

All submitted solutions will be reviewed by the challenge committee. The accepted papers will be made available online via the WATERS community forum one week before the workshop so that contributions can be examined prior to the event. The copyright remains with the authors. Depending on the participation, a joint publication of the challenge solutions will be considered.

By submitting a solution, the authors agree and confirm that, if accepted, at least one author will register for WATERS 2016 by the special registration deadline set in the notification of acceptance, and present the solution at the workshop in person. In addition, your submission implies that you agree to participate as a reviewer to the (light-weight) evaluation of contributions submitted by others.

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