Call for Submissions

(Download the call for papers in PDF.)

RTSOPS 2013 will use rolling notifications of acceptance. There is no explicit paper submission deadline but submissions will stop being accepted after ten papers are accepted. The notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to authors no later than three weeks after submission.

Extended abstracts (for either new open problems or status reports on previously-presented problems) for RTSOPS 2013 must be written in English, and not exceed two A4 pages in length in single column, 10pt format, including relevant references. The main purpose of the abstract for new open problem submissions should be to provide a clear description of the problem. Abstracts may be submitted describing well-known but as yet unsolved problems. However, all abstracts should contain some element of original work that has not been published before; for example, a new problem, a new way of looking at an existing problem, new intuition or ideas on how a problem might be solved, possible frameworks for solutions, or overviews of special cases that may be useful in solving a problem. Abstracts describing progress on an open problem presented at previous RTSOPS meetings should include a brief statement of the open problem and a description of the technical advances made towards a solution. Abstract submissions should be made electronically, in PDF format, via the paper submission page for RTSOPS 2013:


Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to give a brief presentation of their open problem, and be prepared to work on the problem with other participants during the collaboration sessions. Instructions for preparing final copy and presentations will be given when the abstract is accepted. RTSOPS 2013 will publish proceedings as a seminar booklet.

By submitting an extended abstract, the authors agree and confirm that: neither this extended abstract nor a version close to it is under submission or will be submitted elsewhere before notification by RTSOPS 2013, and if accepted, at least one author will register for the RTSOPS 2013 seminar by the special registration deadline set in the notification of acceptance, and present the open problem at the seminar in person.  Please note that extended abstracts that do not describe real-time scheduling problems will not be accepted.  Submissions will be refereed for quality and relevance. Submissions exceeding the page limit may be rejected without review.