-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS17) Work-in-Progress Session (ECRTS-WIP 2017) June 28, 2017 -- Dubrovnik, Croatia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: http://ecrts.eit.uni-kl.de/ecrts17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************** *** AIM ***************************** To focus on new and on-going research in the field of real-time and embedded systems, the Work-in-Progress (WiP) organizing committee at ECRTS 2017 invites authors to submit short papers describing promising early-stage ideas. The submitted papers should cover topics listed in the technical scope of the Conference, as well as forthcoming relevant topics. For a more detailed information regarding scope and topics, see the website of ECRTS 2017. The contributors will be required to give a short oral presentation of their work and prepare a poster to communicate their ideas during the poster session. The proceedings containing all accepted papers will be distributed online and during the Conference. ***************************** *** SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ***************************** The submission is limited to 3 pages (maximum), A4 paper size, double column, 10pt typeface size, and should include the following 5 sections, each answering the associated question: 1. Application domain & Challenge -- What is the context of the work? 2. Motivation -- Why is the work relevant? 3. Problem statement -- What are the assumptions and the problem being addressed? 4. Proposed approach and preliminary results -- How did you proceed (few equations, Intuition)? 5. Envisioned solution -- Why, in your opinion, is your approach promising? The layout should conform to the IEEE format for conference proceedings. Papers exceeding the maximum page length will not be considered for review. ***************************** *** IMPORTANT DATES ***************************** Submission deadline: April 28, 2017 (23:59 (GMT-12)) Notification of acceptance: May 8, 2017 Camera-ready version: May 29, 2017 WiP Session: June 28, 2017 ***************************** *** ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ***************************** Work-in-Progress Session Chair: Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, CISTER/INESC TEC and ISEP, Portugal Program committee: Bader Alahmad - University of British Columbia, Canada Borislav Nikolic - Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany Gurulingesh Raravi - CISTER/INESC TEC and ISEP, Portugal Rodolfo Pellizoni - University of Waterloo, Canada Sebastian Altmeyer - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands