Welcome to WCET 2014
- 1: Call for Papers.
- 2: Important Dates.
- 3: Author Information. 4:
- 5: Workshop Program.
- 6: OASIcs On-line Proceedings.
- 7: Registration.
- 8: Travel Information. 9:
- 10: Committees.
- 11: Past Workshop Editions.
Call for Papers
14th International Workshop on
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
WCET 2014
July 8th, 2014
Madrid, Spain
The 14th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET
2014) will take place in conjunction with the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time
Systems (ECRTS 2014) at Madrid, Spain.
WCET 2014 is kindly supported by TACLe (www.tacle.eu), a European COST-Action on
Timing Analysis on Code-Level.
A large class of embedded systems is distinguished from general-purpose
computing systems by the need to satisfy strict requirements on timing, often
under constraints on available resources. Predictable system design is concerned
with the challenge of building systems for which timing requirements can be
guaranteed a priori. Perhaps paradoxically, this problem has become more
difficult by the introduction of performance-enhancing architectural elements,
such as caches, pipelines, and multi-threading, which introduce a large degree
of uncertainty and make timing guarantees harder to provide.
The WCET workshop focuses on the analysis and design of timing-predictable
systems, with a strong emphasis on worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis.
Topics of interest include all aspects of timing analysis and
timing-predictability. This includes (but is not limited to):
- WCET analysis for multi-threaded and multi-core systems
- Low-level timing analysis, modeling and analysis of processor features
- Flow analysis for WCET, loop bounds, infeasible paths
- Measurement-based WCET analysis
- Different approaches to WCET computation
- Probabilistic timing analysis
- Tools for WCET analysis
- Integration of WCET and schedulability analysis
- Integration of WCET analysis in development processes
- Strategies to reduce the complexity of WCET analysis
- Program and processor design for timing predictability
- Compiler-based optimization of worst-case timing
- Timing-predictable, resource-aware operating systems
- Methods and benchmarks for WCET analysis evaluation
- Case studies and industrial experiences of WCET analysis
- WCET analysis in the academic curriculum
Statements which are innovative, controversial, or that present new approaches
are specially sought.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together people from academia, tool vendors
and users in industry who are interested in all aspects of timing predictability
of real-time systems. The workshop fosters a highly interactive format with
ample time for in-depth discussions. It provides a relaxed forum to present and
discuss new ideas, new research directions, and to review current trends in this
area. The presentations will be kept short to leave plenty of time for
interaction of attendees.
This 14th edition of the workshop will feature the presentation of the results
of the WCET tool challenge (http://www.irit.fr/wiki/doku.php?id=wtc:start).
Research papers should present original research results not published or
submitted for publication in other forums. Accepted papers will be published
via Schloss Dagstuhl's OASIcs online proceedings series, indexed, with ISBN.
Authors of accepted papers agree to attend the workshop and to present their
work during the workshop.
Papers submitted for the WCET workshop must be written in English, must not
exceed 10 pages, should conform to the typesetting requirements specified on the
workshop's website (http://www.uni-ulm.de/wcet2014), and must be submitted in
PDF format using the WCET workshop paper submission website. Author names,
affiliations and self-references should not be anonymized.
Paper submission: April 25, 2014 (firm, no extension)
Notification of acceptance: May 23, 2014
Final paper submission: June 13, 2014
Workshop: July 8, 2014
Heiko Falk Ulm University, DE
Sebastian Altmeyer University of Amsterdam, NL
Guillem Bernat Rapita Systems, UK
Francisco J. Cazorla Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES
Damien Hardy University of Rennes 1 / IRISA, FR
Niklas Holsti Tidorum Ltd., FI
Raimund Kirner University of Hertfordshire, UK
Jens Knoop Vienna University of Technology, AT
Kim G. Larsen Aalborg University, DK
Björn Lisper Mälardalen University, SE
Claire Maiza Grenoble INP/Verimag, FR
Tulika Mitra National University of Singapore, SG
Harini Ramaprasad Southern Illinois University, USA
Jan Reineke Saarland University, DE
Christine Rochange IRIT - Université de Toulouse, FR
Tullio Vardanega University of Padua, IT