Bounding the Effects of Resource Access Protocols on Cache Behavior Enrico Mezzetti, Marco Panunzio and Tullio Vardanega (slides)
Toward Precise PLRU Cache Analysis Daniel Grund and Jan Reineke (slides)
Integrating Abstract Caches with Symbolic Pipeline Analysis Stephan Wilhelm and Christoph Cullmann (slides)
10:30-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-12:30Session 2: Measurement-based methods and flow analysis Session chair: Chris Healy
Realism in Statistical Analysis of Worst Case Execution Times David Griffin and Alan Burns (slides)
Hybrid Measurement-Based WCET Analysis at the Source Level using Object-Level Traces Adam Betts, Nicholas Merriam, and Guillem Bernat
On the Use of Context Information for Precise Measurement-Based Execution Time Estimation Stefan Stattelmann and Florian Martin (slides)
A Code Policy Guaranteeing Fully Automated Path Analysis Benedikt Huber and Peter P. Puschner
12:30-13:30: Lunch
13:30-14:20Invited talk Session chair: Reinhard Wilhelm
WCET Computation of Safety-Critical Avionics Programs: Challenges, Achievements, and Perspectives Jean Souyris, Airbus
14:20-15:30Session 3: Parallel systems, model checking Session chair: Reinhard Wilhelm
WCET Analysis of a Parallel 3D Multigrid Solver Executed on the MERASA Multi-core Christine Rochange, Armelle Bonenfant, Pascal Sainrat, Mike Gerdes, Julian Wolf, Theo Ungerer, Zlatko Petrov, and Frantisek Mikulu (slides)
Towards WCET Analysis of Multicore Architectures Using UPPAAL Andreas Gustavsson, Björn Lisper, Andreas Ermedahl, and Paul Pettersson (slides)
METAMOC: Modular Execution Time Analysis using Model Checking Andreas Engelbredt Dalsgaard, Mads Chr. Olesen, Martin Toft, Rene Rydhof Hansen and Kim G. Larsen (slides)