The 13th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks

July 8th, 2014, Madrid, Spain

In conjunction with the

26th Euromicro International Conference on Real-Time Systems

July 9-11, 2014, Madrid, Spain

Workshop Chairs

Jean-Luc Scharbarg
Université de Toulouse - IRIT/INPT/ENSEEIHT, France
Jean-Luc dot Scharbarg at enseeiht dot fr

Michael Short
Teesside University, UK
M dot Short at tees dot ac dot uk

Program Committee

Luis Almeida
University of Porto, Portugal

Moris Benham
MRTC/Mälardalen University, Västeras, Sweden

Jean-Dominique Decotignie
Swiss Center for Microtechnology , Switzerland

Lucia Lo Bello
University of Catania, Italy

Julian Proenza
Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain

Thilo Sauter
Danube University Krems, Austria

Ye-Qiong Song
LORIA, France

Important dates

Submission deadline: 25th April 2014
Notification of acceptance: 23rd May 2014
Submission of camera-ready papers: 13th June 2013

News And Updates

June 13th: Advance program is available here

April 17th: Prof. Rolf Ernst from TU Braunschweig will give a keynote talk on Automotive Ethernet

March 27th: submission is open

Workshop presentation

The Euromicro Technical Committee organizes a number of satellite events attached to its International Real-Time Systems Conferences. The Real-Time Networks (RTN) workshop is the Thirteenth in the series of workshops that started at the 2002 ECRTS conference. RTN focuses on the current technological challenges of developing communication infrastructures that are real-time, reliable, pervasive and interoperable.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together people from industry and academia that are interested in all aspects of real-time communications. The workshop provides a relaxed forum for participants to present and discuss new ideas, new research directions and to review current trends in this area. The workshop will include three types of presentations:
  • PhD student presentations of their on-going work
  • Presentation of innovative and/or controversial ideas
  • Keynote speeches
Schedule will provide significant time for discussions among the attendees.
As in previous years, registration fees for the workshop will be kept to a minimum.
Prospective authors are encouraged to address any issues about real-time, QoS and dependability in computer networks. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and applications
  • Real-time tracking
  • Cyber-physical systems, internet of things
  • Wireless technologies (IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, WiMax, UWB, 6lowpan)
  • Communication protocols: (MAC and network layer issues, distributed scheduling, soft-core implementation etc)
  • Networked embedded systems, networked sensor systems and networked control systems
  • Infrastructures for ubiquitous and pervasive computing systems
  • Performance evaluation, simulation and modeling tools
  • Real-time network management and time synchronization
  • Quality of Service (QoS), dependable systems and safety systems
  • Domotics and building monitoring / control systems (fire, gas and water detection, access controls/security, HAVAC etc)
  • Robotics and real-time collaboration
  • Automotive and aerospace networks / applications (CAN, FlexRay, TTP, etc)
  • Multimedia networks
  • Implementation, experimentation and case Studies
Submission of papers

RTN Workshop is seeking two kinds of  submissions:
  • PhD students  on-going work (1-2 pages)
  • Research, position and forward looking papers (2-6 pages)
Submitted papers should follow the IEEE conference format. All papers will be reviewed by the workshop Program Committee. Accepted papers will be made available to all participants one week before the worksop so that contributions can be examined prior to the event. Accepted papers will be published unless the authors would like to keep the material for later publication.

Previous editions